Thursday, September 18, 2008

Brainwash, Groupwork again, Dumpling-Orgy, Relax, Laundry, Homework

The header states it all. There is nothing to add, except that I might go crazy here! All the Chinese students like to do group work with the exchange students - so, they asked explicitly for that - idiots! (Sorry, if one of you reads this.) In every class now I have group work assignments with some students who (to some extent) have some difficulties speaking English (gently expressed) - Its gonna be a lot of fun!
But, now I have to read. Funny book - One Chinese publisher bought the rights to publish it in English language in China - cost here like 4,5 Euro; costs at Amazon - without Chinese intro of cause - 33 Euro... So, what is the real price for those ideas?

Amendment statement to yesterday:
Not by coincident I found out that there is not a common room on the third floor.
By coincident though I found out that there was a spontaneous get together on the third floor. Poor people living there... the doors are made of paper here.

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