...that is when the final exam surprisingly counts 60% instead of 40%, as it was announced at the beginning of the semester - and you just accept it although the (originally) 60% are already done.
...that is when you get frog meat instead of beef - and you just eat it (also because you are curious).
... that is when you can't change the presentation of your group because one member just made it up himself, did not met the agreed deadline and showed you 10 min in advance.
...that is also when you are free to ignore a red light, because the risk of being knocked over is almost the same as if you were waiting for green.
...that is when normally the hot water is running till 1PM but at one day it is just running till 12 PM (noon)
...that is when a paper has to be written with ten pages double space instead of 20 pages single space as it was told us in the first lecture - who would even complain...
...that is when the product range in your little convenience store changes daily - you always can try out new things!
...that is sooooo much...
I never NEVER thought this day would come but here it is:
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In other words I am not able to upload an...
15 years ago
1 comment:
Time for coming back to Denmark! Danish students are so structured...
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